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"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

Matthew 11:28-30


Below are Scripture Studies written and taught by Jaclyn Palmer. All access to PDF study guides and video/podcast teachings are free for you and your women. Workbooks are available on Amazon. We pray you will learn what your love for Jesus looks like as you study Scripture with the Lord via our Resource Library below.

All sessions can be heard on podcast!
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Stand in Truth

Stand in Truth offers practical insights in understanding a difficult and much debated topic—judgment.

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You are the Temple of God. You are filled with the Holy Spirit of God. If these two statements are your truth, what does it mean for you? What do these truths look like in your life—as you are, where you are? May we open Scripture to see what our love for Jesus looks like as the Spirit-filled Temple of our Living God. 

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God desires a relationship with us, and He desires our worship. But what exactly does that mean? How can we truly worship God? And what does that look like in our everyday lives?

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Love and Power

Prepare to go on an inspiring journey into your time with God. Learn what it means to be filled with Love and Power.

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In His Likeness

To identify the character of man we must first identify the character of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. May we grow in our ability to see others and ourselves In His Likeness!

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Freedom Series

Freedom is a quest we desire to attain, yet it often feels elusive, just out of reach. May this unscripted series take us on a journey of clarity and conclusion.

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But God

Everyone has a story. May we be open to seeing our story as a light for His glory. Learn how to listen to your story and to share it with one in need.

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Who Holds Forgiveness

Forgiveness stirs up multiple emotions within our souls. May we sit in the Master's hand to see what forgiveness looks like from that viewpoint.

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In the Light

The power and presence of Light is seen throughout Scripture. May our eyes see what it looks like to walk and live In The Light—as we are, where we are.

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Jesus & Me Today

Scripture declares that Jesus is coming again. But what does that truth look like in our daily lives? Learn how to live today as you earnestly wait for tomorrow.

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Read. Study. Live! Each of these three things are beautifully vital for growth. Take these 12 weeks to grow in the various ways of rooting yourself in the Word of God. 

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Prayer & Fasting

Join this 2-part, 20-week study that will grow your prayer life and your fasting life into what God desires it to be: a rich, ongoing conversation between God's heart and yours.

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